November 30, 2020

Rippey United Methodist Church, Catherine Stokes, Pastor
We are now worshiping virtually once again. The numbers for COVID are very high and we are taxing our health care system to its limits. It is out of love for you and love of neighbor that we are now meeting only virtually. Services are online at 10 am on Facebook through my page and the parish Facebook page. I am attempting to learn how to edit video and hoping to include music. Through the guidance of the Bishop and the cabinet for the Iowa Annual Conference, we will be virtual until January 10, 2021.
Rippey Lions Club.
The Rippey Lions Club is planning a Zoom meeting for Thursday, Dec. 3, at 7 pm. Nancy Hanaman will call the members about the meeting and send the Zoom contact information. Plans for the evening include a short business meeting with a special presentation and some Christmas stories and music. We do look forward to meeting in person at a later time.